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Product Reviews

Product: Clearlight - Tribal Hybrid Concept
Date: 2014-09-30 

Tribal Hybrid Concept


From another U.K. record label, Gonzo Multimedia releases the experimental side project of Cyrille "Clearlight" Verdeaux entitled Tribal Hybrid Concept. The album has Verdeaux joining forces with Pascal Menetrey on this adventure into the local sounds of many tribes facing extinction in today's world. The new fourteen song release uses the language of the tribes amongst an ambient backdrop that only enhances these special dialects. One of the perfect examples is "Raonis Song" which features the voice of the Chief of Amazonia speaking on behalf of the children of the Kayapo tribe. Many of the songs feature the chants of different tribes as Verdeaux and Menetrey pick the perfect background music to give the songs a modern feel for the general public. Songs like "Organic Trance" and "Trance Connexion" have sound clips of African birds and insects amongst a steady dance beat. The different tribal chants give the music different tones, as with the deep swirling of "Papou Pas Pris" and the lighter, more energetic rhythm of "Zeph Here." The club-like feel of "Trance Pire" keeps the energy going right through to the closer of the quietly exploring sound of "Amazon Corazon." 

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